Breast Implant and Lift Surgery: A Rebirth for Aesthetic and Functional Enhancement
In today’s world, matters concerning breast aesthetics and preserving shape play a significant role in women’s body image and confidence. Breast implant and lift surgery offer an effective solution for correcting issues such as volume loss, sagging, or shape irregularities in the breasts. This article will focus on the details and outcomes of this rejuvenating surgical procedure.
Preparation and Consultation Before Surgery
Before breast implant and lift surgery, the patient’s medical history is thoroughly reviewed, and surgical options are discussed. The pre-operative consultation process is crucial for understanding the patient’s expectations and establishing an appropriate treatment plan. Pre-operative breast ultrasound and mammography should be performed to ensure the health of the breast tissue.
Surgical Methods and Process
Breast implant and lift surgery are generally performed using two main methods: the use of breast implants and reshaping of breast tissue. Breast implants are used to increase breast volume. Breast implants can be placed under the chest muscle (Sub-pectoral), on top of the chest muscle (sub-glandular), under the breast muscle fascia (Subfascial), or in a dual plane. The dual-plane technique involves placing the implant behind the chest muscle and the breast tissue behind the lower pole of the breast. Due to the release of the lower attachments of the pectoral muscle, the implant does not move with muscle movements, and the double breast base (Double bubble) appearance does not occur. Due to these advantages, it is the most preferred breast augmentation technique.
We generally prefer round, moderate-profile implants in breast implants and lift surgery. This is because of the risk of rotation with teardrop silicone implants in this surgery. The reason for choosing a moderate profile instead of a high one is that it results in less occurrence of the waterfall deformity.
Reshaping of breast tissue is used to correct sagging and lift the nipple upwards. The most common scar shape in breast implant and lift surgery is the “Inverted T.” The surgeon determines these methods based on the patient’s condition and desires.
Preservation of Milk Ducts and Breastfeeding Possibility
During breast implant and lift surgery, efforts are usually made to preserve the milk ducts, thus preserving breastfeeding function. However, breastfeeding ability may change after surgery depending on the surgical procedure and the patient’s anatomical features. Your surgeon will provide you with more detailed information on this matter.
Risks and Complications
Like any surgical intervention, breast implant and lift surgery carry certain risks. The most common complications include infection, bleeding, anesthesia reactions, and problems that may occur during healing. However, under the management of an experienced surgeon, these risks can be minimized.
Suitable Candidates and Recommendations
Suitable candidates for breast implant and lift surgery are generally individuals with sagging breast tissue, loss of breast volume, or dissatisfaction with breast shape. However, since every patient is different, it is essential to consider your surgeon’s recommendations. Following your surgeon’s instructions post-operation is necessary for successful recovery.
Breast implant and lift surgery is a safe and effective surgical option that helps women regain their appearance and confidence. However, as with any surgical procedure, a detailed evaluation should be conducted before this surgery, and a suitable surgeon should be selected. Remember that results may vary individually, and having realistic expectations is essential.