


Dr. Koray Kır

Dr. Koray Kır began his academic career after graduating from Istanbul Adnan Menderes Anatolian High School in 1997. He immediately completed his medical education at Trakya University Faculty of Medicine between 1997 and 2003.

His interest in surgery was always intense during his university years, and plastic surgery became his goal. Focusing on specialization training, he chose exclusively surgical branches in the Medical Specialty Examination. Between 2005 and 2011, he completed his specialization training in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery at the same university, consolidating his profound knowledge. Following specialization, he fulfilled his mandatory service at Kırklareli State Hospital from 2011 to 2013.

+90 (536) 983-8496
For Information and Appointment Requests



Dr. Koray Kır performs innovative body shaping procedures in aesthetic surgery, such as Vaser Liposuction, Six Pack liposuction, and BBL. While offering extraordinary transformations to women who have become mothers with Abdominoplasty and Mommy Makeover, he also helps his patients achieve their beauty goals with breast aesthetics and rhinoplasty. Each operation is performed with a detailed approach tailored to personal expectations, enhancing quality of life with aesthetic and functional improvements.

Body Operations
Arm Lift
Body Operations
Back Lift
Body Operations
Breast Operations
Breast Augmentation
Breast Operations
Breast Implant and Lift
Breast Operations
Breast Lift and Reduction
Breast Operations
Hair Transplantation
Hair Transplantation
Body Operations
High-Definition Liposuction
Body Operations
J Plasma
Body Operations
Body Operations
Mommy Makeover
Body Operations
Reverse Tummy Tuck
Face Operations
Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)
Body Operations
Six Pack Liposuction
Body Operations
Thigh Lift
Body Operations
Tummy Tuck
Body Operations
Vaser Liposuction


Why Dr. Koray Kır?

Advanced Technical Expertise
Dr. Koray Kır always maintains the highest standards of safety and excellence by using the latest technologies and surgical techniques. He continues to pioneer aesthetic surgery with innovative procedures by keeping his education current.
Aesthetic and Functional Results
In addition to his emphasis on aesthetic appearance, Dr. Koray Kır does not overlook functionality and health aspects. He balances aesthetic and functional improvements in every operation, thus providing his patients with comprehensive healing.
Patient Satisfaction Oriented
Dr. Koray Kır prioritizes patient satisfaction above all. He is known for transparency, empathy, and excellent patient care at every step. He goes above and beyond to gain the trust of his patients and is dedicated to exceeding their expectations.
High Standards and Quality
Quality is the cornerstone of Dr. Koray Kır's work. He maintains high standards in every detail, from the materials used to the techniques applied, thus guaranteeing long-term satisfaction for his patients.


Frequently Asked Questions

You can find answers to everything you wonder about the plastic surgery process in this section. We have compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions about aesthetic and reconstructive procedures provided by Dr. Koray Kır and his team here. Easily access answers to your questions about what to expect before and after procedures, the recovery process, detailed information about operations, and more. This section, equipped with Dr. Koray Kır's expert opinions, will guide you on your aesthetic journey from preoperative preparations to postoperative care recommendations. If you have questions not answered here, please get in touch with us.

Aesthetic surgery applications are generally divided into two main categories:

  1. Aesthetic (cosmetic) Surgery: Such procedures aim to improve the individual’s appearance. Cosmetic surgery includes procedures such as breast augmentation, breast lift, rhinoplasty, liposuction, and tummy tuck.
  2. Reconstructive Surgery: This type of operation is usually performed to correct congenital disabilities, to correct deformities after trauma, or to correct tissue loss after cancer. Reconstructive surgery works to rebuild functionality and aesthetics using aesthetic surgery principles.

These two main categories show that surgical interventions known as aesthetic surgery are usually performed for aesthetic or health reasons.

The patient and the surgeon should follow certain precautions before starting the aesthetic operation. Some of these steps are as follows:

  1. Initial Examination and Assessment: The surgeon examines the patient, assesses their medical history and body, and understands their expectations and wishes. The patient’s general health status and the surgical intervention’s appropriateness are assessed.
  2. Research and Information: The patient learns the details of the procedure. The patient is informed about the risks, side effects, and expected outcomes.
  3. Pre-Surgical Instructions: These instructions can help the patient to ensure that they do what they need to do in the pre-operative period, for example, not smoking, taking certain medications, or consuming alcohol. These instructions address factors that may affect outcomes after surgery.
  4. Patient Preparation: The patient should be adequately prepared for the day of surgery. This should include a pre-operative fasting period, hygiene rules, and clothing instructions.
  5. Anesthesia Assessment: The anesthesiologist evaluates the patient and creates the general anesthesia plan.

These steps are necessary to communicate safely between patient and surgeon, plan the procedure, and perform it safely.

Cosmetic surgery, like any other surgical intervention, can involve certain complications. However, each patient is unique, and risks may vary. In general, aesthetic surgical operations involve the following possible risks:

  1. Infection: The surgical field has the potential to spread infection.
  2. Bleeding: Bleeding may occur during or after surgery.
  3. Anesthesia Reactions: Reactions may rarely occur when anesthesia is used.
  4. Wound Healing Problems: There may be wound healing problems after surgery.
  5. Sensory Changes: Sensory changes in the area affected by surgery may be permanent or temporary.
  6. Unexpected Situations Related to Aesthetic Results: The patient may be exposed to aesthetic results that do not meet expectations.
  7. Thromboembolism (Clot Formation): Prolonged surgical procedures or immobilization after surgery can increase the risk of thromboembolism.
  8. Numbness or Pain: You may feel pain or numbness in the postoperative period.

These risks may vary depending on the surgeon’s experience, the patient’s general health, and the type of surgery. The patient is thoroughly informed before the operation, and all questions about potential risks are answered.

The type of surgery, the person’s general state of health, the surgery’s complexity, and the surgeon’s techniques all affect the recovery process after surgery. Nevertheless, the following factors generally affect the recovery process:

Recovery Process: It varies depending on the type of surgical intervention. For example, the healing process after tummy tuck surgery may differ from that after rhinoplasty surgery.

Patient Health: The body’s capacity to heal is influenced by overall health status. A person with chronic health problems may recover faster than a healthy person.

Age: Young and healthy people usually recover faster.

Smoking: Smoking can impair circulation and slow healing. As a result, it is recommended not to smoke before and after aesthetic surgery.

Size of the Surgical Intervention: Small surgeries usually have a faster recovery time, while extensive surgeries typically have a longer recovery time.

Following the doctor’s recommendations: Following the doctor’s recommendations correctly can speed recovery and reduce the risk of complications.

After aesthetic surgery, there is usually a significant improvement in the first few weeks, but full recovery may take several months. Over time, swelling and bruising at the surgical site will decrease. Depending on the type of surgical intervention planned and the person’s condition, the surgeon should provide more detailed information about the healing process.

There are some general factors to be considered before and after surgery. However, these factors may vary depending on the surgical intervention performed, the person’s general state of health, and the advice given by the surgical team. The factors to be considered before and after surgery are as follows:


Good Communication with the Doctor: Talk to your doctor about the planned surgical intervention. Let your doctor inform you about the procedure and make your expectations apparent.

Smoking and Alcohol: Excessive smoking and drinking alcohol before surgery can impair the healing process. As a result, stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking as much as possible.

Medicines and Supplements: Consult your doctor about any herbal products, vitamin supplements, or medications you take in the preoperative period. Some medicines should be stopped before surgery.

Nutrition: Eat a healthy and balanced diet before and after surgery to support the body’s healing process.

Surgery Day Preparations: Follow your doctor’s instructions specifically for the day of surgery.

After Surgery:

Compliance with the Doctor’s Instructions: Carefully follow all instructions given to you by your doctor after the surgery. Take your medicines regularly, and do not neglect the prescribed check-ups.

Rest and Recovery: Make sure you get enough rest after surgery. Avoid heavy physical activity for a certain period.

Wound Care: Follow your doctor’s advice. This can reduce the risk of infection and speed up the healing of wounds.

Nutrition and Hydration: Eat a healthy diet and drink enough water. This can make it easier for the body to heal.

Smoking and Alcohol: Smoking should also be avoided during the healing process. Drink alcohol as recommended by your doctor.

Emotional Support: Support is critical in the postoperative period. You can get help from professional support services or friends.

Your doctor will give you specific advice given your condition and the nature of your surgical intervention, as it differs for every patient.

Suitable candidates for plastic surgery are typically people who meet specific criteria and have the potential to achieve the expected results. Typical characteristics of plastic surgery candidates:

General Health Status: Applicants for cosmetic surgery should generally be healthy. The patient’s general health status is closely related to their suitability for surgical intervention.

Reasonable and Realistic Expectations: Candidates should have both sensible and realistic expectations about the results they will achieve after surgery. Cosmetic surgery can improve a person’s appearance but is never perfect.

Personal Desire: Candidates should have their wishes for starting plastic surgery. It is essential to focus on one’s own needs and desires rather than meeting the expectations of others or succumbing to external pressures.

The Habit of Not Smoking: Aesthetic surgery candidates should not smoke if possible because smoking can negatively affect the healing process.

Stable Body Weight: A candidate should generally remain stable before surgery. Weight changes can jeopardize surgical outcomes.

Mental and Emotional Readiness: Candidates must be psychologically and emotionally prepared because plastic surgery can provide physical healing. It is essential to be ready for the adaptation process after surgery.

Suitability for the Post-Surgical Recovery Process: Candidates should have a state of mind that can adapt to the doctor’s recommendations and the required rest period in the postoperative period.

Since every cosmetic surgery candidate’s situation differs, the surgical team assesses whether candidates are suitable. Your surgeon will create a strategy that best meets your needs and goals.

The cost of plastic surgery operations can vary depending on many factors, such as the surgeon’s experience, geographical location, type of surgery, complexity of the surgery, and the facility used. Here are some essential components that affect the cost of plastic surgery operations:

Surgeon’s Experience: Professional and experienced plastic surgeons can usually charge more money.

Type of Surgery: The cost of surgery is primarily influenced by its type and complexity. Complex surgeries are usually more expensive.

Type of Anesthesia: The cost of general or local anesthesia may vary.

Facility and Equipment: The surgery’s location and the equipment’s quality affect the cost.

Geographical Location: The geographical region where surgery is performed affects where you live and the prices of services.

Related Costs: Post-operative care, check-ups, medications, and bandages affect the cost.

The patient’s age, general health status, lifestyle, type of surgical intervention, and genetic factors affect the permanence of plastic surgery. The aesthetic or reconstructive purpose of the surgical intervention should also be considered. Some variables that affect the permanence of plastic surgery procedures are as follows:

Type of Surgery: Some surgeries are more long-lasting. For example, rhinoplasty, a nose job, can often have long-term results. However, non-invasive procedures like fillers or Botox often have more temporary results.

Age and Genetic Factors: Genetics and age affect surgical outcomes. A person’s genetic makeup and aging can affect how long the surgical results will last.

Patient Care and Health Status: Patient care significantly affects the durability of surgical results. Measures such as a healthy lifestyle, not smoking, and practicing sun protection can help the results last longer.

Weight Changes: Weight changes can affect surgical outcomes. Changes in the body, especially weight gain or weight loss, can affect surgical outcomes.

Recovery and Care: Following the doctor’s recommendations in the postoperative period affects the permanence of the results. Proper care results and good healing can be long-lasting.

Repeat Surgery: Sometimes, patients may need a second surgical intervention after surgery. This can improve and increase the durability of the first surgical results.

Results from plastic surgery operations can typically be long-lasting, but many factors affect this process, varying from one person to another. As a result, each patient’s specific situation should be evaluated, and the surgeon’s recommendations should be followed.

Many different procedures in the field of plastic surgery can be performed according to the aesthetic or reconstructive needs of patients. However, specific surgical procedures are performed more frequently than others. Some of the methods commonly performed in the field of plastic surgery are as follows:

Breast augmentation (Mammoplasty): It is usually performed using implants. Breast augmentation may be preferred to change breast shape or volume.

Rhinoplasty (Rhinoplasty): This procedure aims to change the shape or size of the nose. Rhinoplasty can be performed for both aesthetic and functional purposes.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty): This surgical intervention is performed to correct sagging skin and muscles in the abdominal area to provide a flatter and firmer appearance.

Liposuction: is an operation for slimming and shaping by suctioning excess fat tissue from the body. This procedure is usually performed on the abdomen, waist, back, buttocks, legs, arms, or chin.

Breast Reduction (Mammoplasty): It is a surgical procedure performed for breast reduction in patients with large and painful breast sizes.

BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift): “Brazilian Butt Lift” or “Brazilian Butt Lift,” this plastic surgery procedure involves taking fat from another part of the body and injecting it into the butt area. This aims to increase the shape and volume of the butt. In addition, this procedure can also be used to tighten, lift and rejuvenate the butt area.

There are several examples of this aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. However, each surgical intervention should be planned considering the patient’s needs and condition. Assessment and consultation will help the surgeon determine the most appropriate procedure.

The appropriate age limits for plastic surgery may vary depending on the general health of the patient and the type of surgical intervention performed. Each surgical procedure has a proper or recommended range for various age groups. Some everyday plastic surgery operations and appropriate age groups are as follows:

Breast Augmentation (Mammoplasty): There is no minimum age limit for breast augmentation surgery. However, surgeons usually recommend this procedure at an age when the patient’s psychology has developed, and breast development is complete. This typically means 18 years and older.

Nose Aesthetics (Rhinoplasty): Rhinoplasty is generally recommended in early adulthood (18 years and older) after the development of the nose is completed.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty): Abdominoplasty can be performed from age 20 to correct sagging skin and muscles in the abdomen after pregnancy or weight loss.

Liposuction: Young and healthy individuals are generally suitable for liposuction. However, age limits are set by a surgeon and are usually applied to people aged 18 and over.

Each patient’s case is unique and depends on the appropriate age, type of surgical procedure, and general health. As a result, it is essential to seek the help of a specialist before deciding on plastic surgery. The surgeon will assess the patient’s needs and choose the appropriate procedure and timing.

    Make an Appointment
    Make an appointment for your questions about your requested operation.

    Dr. Koray KIR

    Operation Process

    You can request online or face-to-face consultations by contacting us. During the consultation process, your medical history, expectations, health status, and procedure details are evaluated by Dr. Koray Kır.
    Planning and Pricing
    Based on Dr. Koray Kır's assessment, the procedure details are determined, a plan is created, and pricing and payment details are finalized. Extra services are reflected as an additional fee.
    Travel and Accommodation
    After determining the travel date, our patient's appointment is scheduled according to availability, and all transportation and accommodation arrangements are made.
    Surgery and Recovery
    When the surgery date arrives, our patient comes to Turkey, the aesthetic operation is performed, and then the recovery process begins. All information about the recovery process is provided before the surgery. They are informed day by day after the surgery.
    Follow-up and Control Visits
    The control period for each surgery varies. Controls are provided according to the surgery control periods determined by our doctor. The patient communicates with the assistant before the surgery. Follow-up after surgery is done by the Doctor, Nurses, and the assistant in communication.
    Return and Remote Monitoring
    After our patient heals and all check-ups are completed, they return to their country. Our patients are under our follow-up weekly and monthly until their processes are completed, with the information provided by our doctor. After their processes are completed, our patients can reach us whenever they want.


    Our Team

    Tuğba DİKMEN
    Surgical Team
    Aleyna KAŞ
    Surgical Team
    Hilal SEKMAN
    Surgical Team
    Yeşim BAŞ
    Private Nurse
    Demet ÇAKIR
    Private Nurse
    Emrah TEKCAN
    Accounting - Transport



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