Causes of Hair Loss

sac dokulmesi nedenleri
Dr. Koray Kır

It is considered normal for 100 hairs to fall out during the day. However, a solution must be found if hair loss exceeds this amount. When thinning or bald spots occur in the scalp area due to hair loss exceeding this rate, it can be said that these individuals have a hair loss problem. A hair pull test can be conducted to determine this more accurately. In this test, 20-30 strands of hair are pulled. Hair loss is intense if more than five hairs come out during this process. In this case, necessary precautions must be taken, the causes identified, and treatment applied.

Genetic hair loss, which accounts for 90% of hair loss in men and 60% in women, is the leading cause of hair loss in both genders.

Genetic Hair Loss

Simply put, it is a hereditary condition. Known as hereditary within society, genetics apply to many diseases, and if genetic diseases are present in family members such as parents, grandparents, uncles, etc., the same problem can occur in you.

Non-Genetic Hair Loss

  • Anemia, upper respiratory infections such as the flu, typhoid, pneumonia, blood cancer, diabetes, and thyroid hormone imbalances can cause hair loss in both men and women without distinction.

  • Conditions such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, and childbirth can also cause hair loss due to hormonal imbalances.

  • Iron deficiency is among the causes of hair loss.

  • An unbalanced and inadequate diet affects hair loss. Hair that does not receive enough vitamins and minerals can become weak, brittle, and fall out.

  • Stress is highly effective in hair loss. Prolonged stress exacerbates the effects of hair loss.

  • Hair loss can occur if hair care products such as shampoo and conditioner are unsuitable for the hair.

  • Failure to show the necessary care in hair care makes it very difficult to eliminate the effects of hair loss. Natural hair care products should treat damaged hair with disrupted moisture balance periodically.

  • Those who smoke may experience hair loss. Smoking, which inhibits nutrient absorption, should be reduced or quit.

  • Excessive oiliness in the scalp due to disorders in the sebaceous glands will cause hair loss.

Medications That Cause Hair Loss

  • Chemotherapy drugs used in cancer treatment

  • Cholesterol and lipid-lowering drugs

  • Blood thinners

  • Medicines used in gout and thyroid diseases

  • Diuretic drugs, beta-blockers, and anti-hypertensive drugs

  • Excessive use of vitamin A medications

  • Medications used during dieting

  • Emotionally affecting medications

  • Use of oral contraceptive pills

Hair Loss Treatment

Genetic Hair Loss Treatment

The reasons for genetic hair loss are different in women and men. The five alpha reductase enzymes, which cause hair loss in men, are less present in women’s body structure. In women, the aromatase enzyme is more abundant instead. Since men are more affected by hair loss problems, women may be considered unlucky because these products cannot be effective in women due to the aromatase enzyme.

It is a condition that should be questioned in individuals facing hair loss whether the medication selected for hair restoration treatment is approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

Finasteride (Propecia) has been widely used in the last decade as an oral tablet. Scientific studies have shown that Finasteride (Propecia) stops hair loss in most men and stimulates hair growth. Finasteride works by reducing the amount of DHT (dihydrotestosterone). This hormone is mainly responsible for male pattern baldness. At the same time, finasteride (Propecia) does not affect testosterone levels. Hair surgeons recommend finasteride (Propecia) as an adjunct treatment for patients undergoing hair transplantation.

Topical minoxidil (Rogaine = Minoxil) has been a supportive treatment for more than 15 years to slow down hair loss, but it is much less effective in promoting new hair growth. The 5% concentration of minoxidil is recommended for men. This concentration is recommended for women to stimulate hair growth on the face, so the 2% concentration is recommended.

It is recommended that both treatments be continued regularly for them to be successful. If the treatment is not continued, the process of hair loss recurs. Although it is too ambitious to say that these treatments are effective for everyone, the treatment is largely successful. The combined use of both drugs can provide more benefits in male pattern baldness.

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy prepared from the individual’s blood is an alternative treatment that can be applied for hair loss. In recent years, this treatment has seen improvements, and increasingly better results are being achieved.

Hair transplantation is the most effective and most satisfying treatment for hair loss. With the implementation of the FUE method, the results have become much more natural and enjoyable. It is a procedure performed under local anesthesia and lasts an average of 6 hours. The patient regains their new hair about 4-6 months after transplantation.